Vancomycin Hydrochloride For Injection

Vancomycin Hydrochloride For Injection

Product Details:


Product Description


Vancomycin HCl USP Vancomycin ......... 1gm


Vancomycin is indicated in adults, infants, children aged one month to 12 years and adolescents over 12 years.

Vancomycin solution, administered intravenously, is indicated in the therapy of severe,potentially life-threatening infections due to susceptible gram-positivemicro organisms which cannot be treated with or failed to or are resistant to other antibiotics such as penicillins and cephalosporins.

Vancomycin should be reserved for those cases where there is a specific indication, to minimize the chance of resistance emerging.

Vancomycin is useful in the treatment of the following severe infections caused by susceptible microorganisms

  • Endocarditis,
  • Infections of the bones (osteomyelitis),
  • Pneumonia,
  • Soft tissue infections.

Treatment of patients with bacteraemia that occurs in association with, or is suspected to be associated with, any of the infections listed above.

Endocarditis caused by enterococci, Streptococcus viridans or S.bovis should be treated with a combination of vancomycin and anaminoglycoside.

Vancomyc in may be used for the perioperative prophylaxis against bacterial endocarditis,in patients at high risk of developing bacterial endocarditis when they undergo major surgical procedures (e.g. cardiac and vascular procedures, etc.) and are unable to receive a suitable beta-lactam antibacterial agent.


Patients with normal renal function

  • Adults and adolescents above 12 years of age:
  • There commended daily intravenous dose is 2000 mg, divided into doses of 500 mgevery 6 hours or 1000 mg every 12 hours.
  • For bacterial endocarditis, the generally accepted regimen is 1000 mg (1 g)vancomycin intravenously every 12 hours for 4 weeks either alone or in combination with other antibiotics.
  • Peri-operative prophylaxis against bacterial endocarditis:
  • Itis commonly recommended that adults receive 1000 mg (1 g) vancomycinintravenously prior to surgery (prior to induction of anaesthesia) and depending on time and type of surgery, the dose of 1000 mg (1 g) of vancomycini.v. may be given after 12 hours. National guidance should be followed.

Paediatric population

Childrenone month to 12 years of age:

The usual intravenous dosage is 10 mg/kg per dose given every six hours (total daily dosage 40 mg/kg of body weight).

Infants and newborns:

  • 0-7days of age: A starting dose of 15 mg/kg, followed by 10 mg/kg every 12 hours.
  • 7-30days of age: A starting dose of 15 mg/kg, followed by 10 mg/kg every 8 hours.
  • Each dose should be administered over at least 60 min.
  • Close monitoring of serum of vancomycin concentrations is recommended.

Product details 

Country of Origin

Made in India







Packaging Size


Prescription/Non prescription


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  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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